Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure

Tue Mar 11 2025

Chapter 210: Merlin’s Long Forgotten Gift – Three for Three!

Alex and Tereza watch from a distance as the corrupted Centaur undergoes a horrific transformation, turning into an abomination completely unrecognizable from his previous self.

Magor, unwilling to show any mercy to the corrupted, immediately raises his hand, giving the order. "Fire!"

His soldiers release a volley of arrows into the restrained Centaur.

Before the creature dies, Rishi unleashes a

on the target, landing the final blow. Despite his usual calm and concerned expression, Alex catches the faintest smirk on his face.

The inspection continues, though now many Centaurs look visibly nervous—they hadn’t expected more of their own to be infected.

Alex opens his chest, and the moment he looks inside, he freezes. His LUK stat clearly works in his favor again, but even he is surprised this time.

Alex studies his loot and sees both a skillbook related to archery and a bow.

He shifts his focus to his newly acquired weapon, carefully examining its effects.

As Alex thinks about his new Conjuration ability,

, and of course, the no longer shiny but still impressive

, he turns around and can’t help but look at the bow again.

It’s mostly made out of ancient, expensive-looking wood, plated with magical-looking metal, with runes etched into it. It’s not light, requiring quite a bit of strength to use. The bowstring seems to be made of magical metal as well, looking extremely sturdy and brand new—the enchantment on it obviously still working perfectly.

Alex puts the bow away and notices Rishi and Firenze identifying another corrupted Centaur, the third one in total.

He approaches and hears Magor praying for the deceased Centaurs, including his own son. Every Centaur bows their head, joining him in mourning.

After a few minutes, Alex and Tereza walk over to Rishi, Firenze, and Magor.

Magor takes a deep breath and says, “Humans… meeting you has caused me great grief. Without your interference, however, I fear we’d have suffered even more casualties. Thankfully, the immediate danger is gone. I welcome you to stay as long as you want. I’ll instruct everyone to treat you as our honored guests. As for the Corruption crystal. Give it to me, I’ll destroy it! It will weaken the Corruption!”

Find out more about the

by asking the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest.

Increased Reputation with the Centaurs of the forbidden Tribe, and special Access to their item exchange, Increased Mission Rating

“Please, stay as long as you want, humans. Also, talk to Firenze and Mikora, who’ll be acting as our supply officer. If you fight against the Corruption, it would be dishonorable for us to offer you nothing but our heartfelt thanks. I have given her a few of our most valuable items. In fighting the Corruption, we are willing to pay any price for those willing to help us,” Magor says before leaving the group, carrying his son’s body to prepare for burial.

Finally, with things cooling down, the group stands inside the camp, looking at each other.

“Could have gone worse,” Alex says.

“Yeah, I was kinda scared at one point, but you pulled through, Rishi. That was very risky and bold, quite uncharacteristic of you,” Tereza comments.

“I’m taking that as praise. However, Tereza, your words are as venomous as ever. You should really work on that—not everybody is as understanding as me and especially Alex,” Rishi responds with a smile.

Alex nods and shares the details of his Conjuration ability and his two spoils from Magorian, shocking the other two.

“This… your LUK is as unfair as ever! Even getting just one of these three, either the skill or the items, would be worth celebrating for most people. You got all three at the same time, and they synergize with each other,” Rishi says, laughing in disbelief.

“You’re opening every damn chest I find, Alex. This is way too unfair to other players, I want to profit from your LUK too,” Tereza demands.

“It’s only possible when we’re in the same world. Anyway, that’s what we’ve been doing this entire time. Let’s check out the female Centaur, Mikora, that old guy mentioned. Maybe we can get even more rewards!” Alex says eagerly, curious about the so-called treasures Magor was talking about.

The group approaches the female Centaur, who looks quite young and energetic. She seems noticeably more curious, open, and accepting than many of the traditional Centaurs.

As Alex, Rishi, and Tereza approach her, she immediately welcomes them with a pleasing smile.





The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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